Why won't my parents understand

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Why won't my parents understand

Postby CrazyLady17 » Thu Dec 26, 2013 7:39 pm

My parents don't understand why I am so depressed. I have explained to them so many times now why I am so depressed, but they just don't seem to get it and just seem to turn their backs on me when I need them the most.

My mum suffers from depression(as for for 17years now) and I thought she would understand me, but she's doesn't?
And I feel awfully confused and hurt by all this.

What do I do?
Why are my parents so harsh and won't understand depression?


Postby CrazyLady17 » Fri Dec 27, 2013 5:30 am

Wish they understood!!
I feel like I've let everyone down.

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Postby Frame » Fri Dec 27, 2013 6:46 am

Do you speak with them each day Lady?


Postby CrazyLady17 » Fri Dec 27, 2013 6:52 am

Yes..., well try to, but they won't listen. They ignore me am put the phone down on me.
What the point?

Family are rubbish!

Posts: 42
Joined: Wed Oct 30, 2013 12:06 am

Sorry to hear that.

Postby Glad2bme » Fri Dec 27, 2013 10:22 am

So what is it that seems to puzzle them the most?

That you their daughter should have reason(s) to be depressed? ((Could be they feel guilty and like they have failed you.))

That depression often has no real "cause" other than chemical imbalances that muck up one's perception? ((A lot of people don't understand the difference between situational and chemical depression.))

That in your depression, you lack the tools to do specific things to help yourself that they view as key to you getting better? ((Again, when people confuse situational and chemical depression they tend to overestimate how much a person can do to help themselves or underestimate how much a supportive word of encouragement can help.))

Do you have a therapist? Maybe your therapist could help you find a way to say things to them that gets a better conversation going. Sometimes I notice with my family we get stuck in the same arguments over and over again because there is unfinished business going on that needs to be dealt with.

Sometimes I wonder in my family if they don't hold on to their grievances in order to maintain the power of the victim role. Sounds backwards I know, but there is a difference in truly being a victim and using that role to gain sympathy and get things your way.


Postby CrazyLady17 » Fri Dec 27, 2013 10:42 am

I don't know?
Ask my parents. Oh wait you can't!!!

I have my reasons behind being this depressed thanks. So don't say I don't have my reasons!!! ARGHHH!!
Makes me so damn angry and I'm crying. :( :(

I just want the end of.

My parents will never understand.
My GP has even tried to explain to them, but thu still don't understand.


Postby CrazyLady17 » Fri Dec 27, 2013 8:22 pm

Parents will NEVER understand end of.

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