
Depression/anxiety may have touched your family, your friends, yourself; what helps you to deal with it? Sharing is caring!

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Postby bricd » Fri Aug 09, 2013 10:31 pm

My wife has become severly depressed due to an embarrasing incontinance problem. It is not a severe medical issue. She has been getting a small amount of anal leakage for nearly three months. She has been to see three doctors several times. Has had a number of tests but still no diagnosis. She has been referred to a specialist but the waiting list is very long and we don't have the money to go private. As she has no support from anyone who can assist medically she has become suicidal. And regularly speaks of wanting to end it all. All she does all day and night is sit on the couch surfing the web in the hope of finding some answers to her condition. I can't always be here to look over her as I have to work. I'm at a loss at what to do. Please can anyone offer any advice?

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Postby Frame » Sat Aug 10, 2013 7:03 am

Hi bricd;

I have a friend who has been having this sort of problem. Actually his is much worse and his tales of embarrassment are painful to listen to. I can't say I know for sure but I'm convinced his problem is almost entirely one of diet. He's young and he has to work and so far this issue doesn't stop him from getting out, but in the case of your wife I think one of the more important things is that she does get out for two reasons: 1. Exercise is going to help her control her muscles, whereas lack of exercise will make it worse. 2. More exercise will help compact and dehydrate the contents of her colon making leakage less likely.

So I don't know where you live but perhaps gearing up with Depends and going for a long walk together on weekends might make a difference. And I'm not sure what dietary adjustments might be in order but I would concentrate research in that area.

Oh and both these things can also improve depression, as well as not spending all day on the internet.

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