Depressed gf..hasn't looked for help..pushing me away

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Depressed gf..hasn't looked for help..pushing me away

Postby Crystalclr » Sat Feb 02, 2013 12:49 pm

Came here to hopefully find some answers..
I've known my gf for about 7 months and we've been dating for almost 2. She's 24.

Literally from one day to the next she changed. She went from being the sweetest girl I've ever met to someone I don't recognize.

She's cold, short tempered, and seems bi polar.

It's killing me and tearing me apart because I just want the person I fell in love with and I'm willing to fight for it. We've talked and she just says things such as
"I feel like I'm not good enough for you"
"I have nothing going for me in life"
"I fail everyone/I always mess things up"
She says that she put up a wall, I guess, because she doesn't want to hurt me and it kills her to do so. She also continuously tells me that does love me and care about me.

The weird thing is that around other people she seems happy and content. I asked her about it and she said that because with me she doesn't have to be fake and pretend like everything is alright.

I'm losing my mind and I feel crushed but it seems like she's depressed. She did mention a couple times before that she has been a little depressed back before we met a couple times.

She's also under a lot of stress with her family, job, and life in general.
Please help...

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Postby PeaceLove » Sun Feb 03, 2013 9:57 pm

Hello Crystalclr! I am sorry to hear about your troubles within the relationship. You say she seems bipolar, Has she/is she getting help for what she is feeling? If she doesn't feel secure going by herself to something like a support group, or a psychologist, then maybe you can offer to go with her and show that you are there. Another thing have you sat her down and explained how you perceive her actions? Maybe try explaining how her emotions hurt you too, and her distance is hard on you. I just think it is very important to know how each partner feels about things and be open. You could be surprised and what you learn about her, and the same goes for her.

I will be rooting for both of you, mental health issues can make relationships hard but just about every relationship has its moment when the bond between you two is tested.



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