Just ... Trying, I guess

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Just ... Trying, I guess

Postby EmFalcon » Fri Feb 11, 2022 7:38 am

I have a not insignificant amount of guilt even suggesting that I might be suffering because - by comparison with a lot of other people in the world, I (rationally) have no reason to be. I live in a safe part of the country, I'm (reasonably) food and shelter secured - I should be fine, right? But for whatever reason, I'm not really. I mean, I am, I guess, but I get up and go through the usual motions but nothing really resonates. I am polite to the people I work with and have nice, superficial conversations from time to time but I do not really know them - nor vice versa. My mother is dead; Dad is still here but Dad never really listens to me (partly this is because Dad is hard of hearing and he seems to find me nearly impossible to hear, but then I seem to have a voice pitched in the exact tone that he struggles with) and never really has. He is, likewise, nice enough but ... he's not interested. I don't know anyone else (no siblings).

This probably strongly suggests that I am "just" lonely, but I don't know that I totally buy into that. I've never been good at making connections with people, I guess, I mean, again, people seem friendly enough to me but there is never any substance to it. I guess (maybe) that's largely on me - I have this overwhelming conviction that I am an incredibly useless person and so I feel as though I should keep myself as much out of everyone else's way as humanly possible; I have never wanted to inflict my presence on anyone. It is - so to speak - bad enough that I have to put up with it for myself. Yes, I have been on various medical treatments in the past - although never to much effect - and am not currently, except for treatment of a low thyroid condition.

I don't know, honestly, what to do anymore. I mean, yes, I continue to get up and go through the motions of being a (so-called) productive member of society, but it is just ... a shadow-play, I guess. I don't know when the last time was that I actually did something and came away from it feeling as though I was really "there" for it. I'm just marking the days and waiting for the inevitable end result of all this - which sounds a lot darker than it probably is; I am not proactively suicidal by any stretch. It (death) just seems like one of those "sooner the better" options - but again, no being proactive about it, it just seems to be the only/next thing to look forward too - so to speak.

Yeah, I know, that paragraph was kind of moody. I don't like to be pithy about things and reference flimsy movies, but sometimes it seems like something Spock said about V'ger in the first (admittedly slow) "Star Trek" movie - "No mystery, no meaning, no hope. Jim, no answers." But then I get back around to the guilt thing, because what am I, really? Just really, really bored? Really suffering an unusally long-form case of ennui? I mean, other people have real problems and difficulties in life. I'm just an idiot.

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Re: Just ... Trying, I guess

Postby CatFriender » Sat Feb 12, 2022 11:33 pm

Hello. I'm new here. I read your intro. I do wonder if you are lonely. That's how I feel (story of my life) so maybe I'm projecting or trying to understand from my own perspective. Anyway, just wanted to say "I hear you" so to speak. Thanks!

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Re: Just ... Trying, I guess

Postby jofati » Sun Feb 13, 2022 2:26 pm

I am so sorry to hear that. I hear you. The weight of existence can sometimes be this indefinitely unbearable experience. I too have snapped in and out such a state of mind. If you need someone to talk about it, I am here. Take good care of you in all of these! Cheers

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Re: Just ... Trying, I guess

Postby Jumb3840 » Mon Feb 14, 2022 5:10 pm

If I didn't know better I would think I wrote that about my life. Not suicidal at all but not caring if you are here or not. Just keep on trying, and I will to. I am always here for you.

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Re: Just ... Trying, I guess

Postby Robert_Franq » Sat Feb 19, 2022 11:55 pm

That was very well expressed - I kind of feel the same way. I would like to just become a rock on some distant planet until the universe ends. Just going thru the motions as a human here, even though my life is comfortable on paper. Work. Consume. Compete. Same old mindless conversations and subtle virtue-signaling and status comparisons when doing any socializing.
Anyway, just try to find something you find joy in and be assertive about trying to earmark some time for yourself occasionally. Also I've found being moving and outside helps, don't be sedentary and indoors.

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