Anxiety or depression?

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Anxiety or depression?

Postby katlover25 » Mon Aug 17, 2020 3:32 am


I haven't been diagnosed with depression, but I've been struggling with anxiety for a few years now. For a long time I refused to believe what I was experiencing was anxiety. But after several visits to the doctor I have finally accepted that the knot in my chest, racing heart beat and shortness of breath is not a heart condition, but a result of my anxiety.

While I was experiencing the symptoms recently, I was talking to my husband and he mentioned he noticed I have many symptoms of depression. I've been researching depression and from what I can tell, I relate to a lot of what sites say. I get easily frustrated, have difficulty sleeping, feel tired all the time, lack motivation to do things and the list goes on. However, I don't feel debilitating sadness that I read about a lot.

I've also read about how these can also be signs on anxiety. I'm trying to work out all of these feelings and determine if I should potentially seek therapy.

I feel like I am hypersensitive to mental health issues because they run in my family. My father was diagnosed bipolar a few years ago and his sister was schizophrenic. I don't know if I am just overthinking this and it's just my anxiety, or if it's potentially depression.

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Re: Anxiety or depression?

Postby Man--Argentina » Wed Aug 19, 2020 12:50 am

Well, depression have grades, from low to high. Not all people who have depression have anxiety, but people who have anxiety tend more to have depression, at least in a mild way, I mean, are propense to have it.

I cant tell if you have or not depression.

" lack motivation to do things", its not the same "I dont want to clean the house, Im tired, I did a lot of things lately", than "I dont want to clean the house, I dont care if its clean or dirty, whats the point, its all the same for me, clean or being a mess nothing cares for me, nothing makes me happy anymore".

The main characteristic of depression is feeling bad, not only feeling sad, feel bad is in some way feel sad, but some people doesnt have the sad feeling as other people.

Just ask to yourself, and you going to have the answer. Do you think you live well ? Do you feel bad ? If you have a hard depression, you would now that.

Chuck Wood
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Re: Anxiety or depression?

Postby Chuck Wood » Thu Aug 20, 2020 6:42 pm

Just to share my experience with depression and anxiety and alike....I started with depression but it got worse and worse. Soon I'd find myself becoming anxious because I could feel that depression was about to hit me. Eventually I became so sensitive to these changes in mood that I became hyper sensitive to any mood change or any stress.

To me anxiety and depression are the reactions I have when feeling stressed in one form or other (Even neurological chemical imbalances).
For me, it is best to first figure out what triggered the symptoms. Hopefully its something outside of myself which I can fix. But many, many times my pains are all DNA (inherited) based.

So when figuring all this out, be patient, do the best you can, stay away from denile, and be truthful to yourself. Be mindful.

Best wishes

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Re: Anxiety or depression?

Postby semirason » Wed Jul 28, 2021 2:06 pm

It's often difficult for people with depression to identify it for themselves. I read that many people have developed depressive disorders or social anxiety during quarantine. Unfortunately, some people find it very difficult to be psychologically isolated. My sister started showing symptoms of social anxiety after quarantine when she went to her work. At first, I thought she was just socially detached, but then she quit her job because of her constant feelings of anxiety. We read the symptoms and I am looking for a psychologist to help her deal with them.
Last edited by semirason on Wed Aug 04, 2021 6:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Anxiety or depression?

Postby CamGirl » Wed Aug 04, 2021 12:29 am

Anxiety and depression are two different and opposite things, and to have both is hell.

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Re: Anxiety or depression?

Postby fummymeasle » Wed Aug 11, 2021 8:04 pm

And having both would put you to hell twice as much.

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