Through The Stages...

Introductions and welcomes.

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Joined: Wed Apr 26, 2017 1:33 pm

Through The Stages...

Postby Exhale_10Stages » Thu Apr 27, 2017 1:14 pm

"It is so easy to descend into madness, then opening doors and exposing old wounds..."
Afternoon, umm i am so not good at introductions lol. But my name is Timi! :o I am a 23 years old african american chick from Louisiana. Currently a junior in college but opt out this semester to better my mental and physical health. I am a incest and child molestation survivor and finally receive professional help through therapy. Depression, anxiety, paranoia, and Bipolar disorder have been plaguing my life every since i was child. I thought i could live with what happen to me, continue to interact with my abuser.... But after a mental breakdown, i knew i could no longer walk in my own shadows. I been lurking on message boards and with the new found strength i now have, i am ready to share my story. I want to help others who dealt with the same pain i have carried for so long. I would love to hear from others and I WANT TO BE CLEAR: My message box IS ALWAYS OPEN. Even if it is something small, like talking about your day. Always know i am here and willing to listen.

So follow me through my retelling of my journey, How i transcend through Each Stage to recovery & peace...

*Please Note-My grammar is horrible and one of the reasons that i have not participate in messageboards more sooner. Please excuse that because it is one of my insecurities

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