What to expect?

Introductions and welcomes.

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What to expect?

Postby GarethE » Fri Dec 16, 2016 6:04 am

Hi, I'm Gareth and I'm from the UK aged 45 and I'm here because, as with everyone else I struggle to cope and feel scared and alone. I am married but although my wife tries her hardest, she really doesn't understand mental health issues and sometimes things can overwhelm her.

I won't post my tale of woe or my diagnosis in this topic, this is just a short hello. Tbh I don't know exactly what I expect to get from the group but I have to try everything I can to get well because the situation has become untenable and after all, it's good to talk, right.

The last thing I want is to sound whiny and needy and come across like a stuck record but it might be nice to offload sometimes because I have little other outlets. I also have broad shoulders to cry on and can soak u some venting. I really hope to meet some people living through the same and being able to help each other.

Thank you for takin the time to read my intro.

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Joined: Fri Jan 20, 2017 6:52 am

Re: What to expect?

Postby BestofLife » Fri Jan 20, 2017 7:40 am

Hi Gareth, yeah it helps sometimes to shove some of those hazy and painful thoughts out and share. I have also read your other post, while i dont have a solution but wanted to know whether you have tried alternate methods/medicine like yoga/ayurveda.

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Joined: Tue Jan 10, 2017 3:01 pm

Re: What to expect?

Postby CloudAtlas6 » Fri Jan 20, 2017 2:06 pm

Hi Gareth!

Thank you for your post! It's always nice to meet new people on this board who can share there stories and listen to other's as well--that's a great balance :) I came onto the board with the same feelings as well--it's wonderful to have people in our lives who are supportive and want to understand...but sometimes it helps to speak with people who have lived/are living similar experiences and still won't suck you down into a "dwelling cycle" that leaves you more drained than with a renewed sense of clarity or hope, etc. So bravo to you for trying the new things! I hope this site treats you well and that you'll be able to find a solid support group to share your feelings and thoughts with, because yes, it is definitely good to talk. In the meantime, I hope that you have a great weekend, and best wishes to you and your wife!

Take care!

PS: Also, just because you never know what'll work, here's a pretty cool poem that has a great message for those down days. Sometimes it's good for when I feel flat, lost, or down. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7OGY1Jxp3o

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