Hoping I Can Stay Here Long-Term

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Hoping I Can Stay Here Long-Term

Postby BrokenInside » Sat Aug 18, 2012 12:29 pm

Hiya everyone... my name's Emily.. and as the title suggests, I've been moving around a lot lately - and I wish it was physically but sadly it's not been. I've joined and been made to leave multiple forums over the past couple of months as a result of an abusive ex tracking me down... I hope I'll be safe here... xx

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Postby tanmich814 » Mon Aug 20, 2012 1:03 am

Hi Emily. Is it an abusive ex husband or boyfriend tracking you down? And why did you get kicked off of other sites? I had an abusive husband and 4 years later have PTSD from it. He never hit me but threatened to and held me Down. Is wish he would've hit me bcuz then I would have proof of the abuse. That whole sticks and stones poem is crap. I think :hat words hurt just as bad. Please respond if you would like to talk.

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Postby BrokenInside » Mon Aug 20, 2012 11:40 am

Thank you for the reply, freedom - and yes he's an abusive ex boyfriend... and i agree about the physical / emotional abuse thing - he never laid a finger on me... but i wish he had instead of destroying me from the inside out.

He tracked me down on the other sites, and joined them so he could spy on all that i said.. and then he also posted himself, seeking compassionate responses. Obviously i then felt violated and unsafe and judged on these other sites, so have had to move to escape him again.

Thank you for the response, again xx

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Postby tanmich814 » Mon Aug 20, 2012 4:30 pm

Check out a book called THE VERBALLY ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP by Patricia Evans. She also has other books on the subject and they helped me to not feel so alone. I was married to my abuser and we have a son. So he still tries to control me through my son and usually it works because he will take it out on him. He hasn't changed a bit but has joint custody with me because words are just heresay in court and not taken seriously by judges. All they want is proof. If you'd like to you can private message me and I'll send you my email address. That way it wont matter if be finds you on here or not. You can still talk to me if you want. I could use support through my hole of depression as well. It helps to talk about it.
Freedom (tanmich814)

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Postby Al » Tue Aug 21, 2012 6:14 pm

Hey emily, sorry to hear about your ex, an all too common problem with my fellow males i'm ashamed to say. You can ask boards to ban him but is easy to get around if you know a bit about pc's i'm afraid.
And it's a shame people don't take abuse seriously if you can't show them a scar or a bruise somewhere isn't it? And internet stalking is so easy and so hard to get rid of, but it is a crime in Britain at least, how about where you are? They may not prosecute but a vist from the police just might help? It's like a mental violation, i can't imagine it myself.
Stick with it though, you'll win in the end 'cause you are better than him ;)

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Postby balcony » Tue Aug 21, 2012 7:24 pm

Hi Emily, welcome to the forum. Any form of abusive is wrong. I am sorry you have suffered. I hope you find some solace here and start to heal. Perhaps seeing a professional about what happened inside would help the healing process as well. Chat is another resource here, ( I feel you may have been in the chat room, the nick is familar to me) and it helps to share and exchange thoughts with others. Keep posting and take care

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Re: Hoping I Can Stay Here Long-Term

Postby mr_black » Mon Aug 27, 2012 5:38 pm

There shouldn't be any way for him to track you unless you make it easy for him by providing too much personal information, use the same username at every board you've joined, he can somehow see your IP#, or has compromised your machine.

I don't see how he easily could identify you here by your IP# so lets eliminate that first.

If you're using the same username at every board you register at it would be as easy as doing a Google search for posts made by that person.

He might have some idea what kind of board you'll show up at next but telling you from 1000 different people on 100 different boards would be time consuming at best unless you make it easy for him to identify you. If that's your real name it would be as easy as reading this post for him to find you. I wouldn't make it known right away that I had a bf that was stalking me from board to board either. Change the place where you live, your age a little, etc. to make yourself less familiar to him.

That leaves the possibility that he's somehow compromised your computer. Have you ever opened an email attachment he sent you, or from someone you didn't know? If so, he could have enclosed a trojan and be able to see everything you do and everywhere you go as easily as looking at his own screen. If there's any doubt in your mind I would advise you to reformat your computer and start over from scratch just to be sure.

I hope he doesn't find you and that you can find some peace. I've had to go through a similar situation so I can sympathize with you.

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Postby juice » Sun Sep 02, 2012 3:41 pm

It's sad that you have to do this. I hope you're safe here. ((Hugs))

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Postby BrokenInside » Sun Sep 02, 2012 3:55 pm

Just want to say a big thank you to all of you... can't believe how welcome you've made me feel :) xx

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