Hi all.

Introductions and welcomes.

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Posts: 8
Joined: Tue Feb 21, 2012 10:15 pm
Location: Crewe, UK

Hi all.

Postby Hayzell » Tue Feb 21, 2012 10:55 pm

I'm Hazel, 20 years old and been suffering since I was a little girl.

Spent ages 13-18 on a waiting list to see a mental health professional through Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service. Since turning 18 have been on a waiting list to get some therapy through the IAPT. All this time waiting, and every time I think I'm about to get help it's just another hoop of paperwork or questionnaires I have to jump through to feel let down when I'm told I'm still am not eligible for help right now.

I'm bulimic and and have taken 4 overdoses in the past five years that landed me in hospital (no intentions to take another one, I'm clearly rubbish at it, heh). Tried three different types of antidepressants though all succeeded in sending me somewhat more loopy than usual and after my doctor at university stood up and shouted "we all have problems, you just get over them" and several other harsh remarks I've had no desire to return and ask to try another kind.

Occasionally my depression seems to lift for a while, but no matter how much I follow all advice to sustain the "normal" mood it's always short lived and I'm back to square one. Again.

Joined the forum hoping there is an end to the suffering in sight that I could achieve without professional help. (I mean, the rate I climb through these waiting lists I'll have fallen to old age, never mind a suicide attempt before I receive that!)

So yes, looking forward to meeting a few new people, supporting others if I can. Hoping to try the chat rooms too if I can overcome this stubborn anxiety that's had me hovering over the "submit button" for the last half hour frightened to death that someone will think this post is stupid.

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Postby Obayan » Tue Feb 21, 2012 11:03 pm

Not stupid at all. I"m glad you posted. We do have a chat room for depression associated here with Depression Understood website.

There are many ways to seek help without a doc. You can google homeopathic remedies as well as self help books that are very good to read. And posting in here helps too.

You aren't alone hon.

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Postby dd-va » Wed Feb 22, 2012 12:55 pm

So glad you did finally click that submit button! Please do not worry over your posts here, we are here to listen and offer support, not to judge! Please browse through the many posts here, and would love to see you in the chat room! Take care and keep posting!

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