Your pets and habits you need to explain to your guests

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Your pets and habits you need to explain to your guests

Postby Katietron » Tue Jul 01, 2008 4:10 pm

A lot of us have or have had pets, little furry or not so furry family members with their own lovely personality and strange habits. Like someone from your family but your pet habits usually make you laugh not angry.

So what kind of habits your pet has? Cat who loves water? Dog who scuba dives? Cat and dog who love vegetables? Anything goes :)

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Postby MoMac » Tue Jul 01, 2008 5:40 pm

:D I had a hamster who clung to the top bar of his cage and done pull-ups. He was also very good at opening the door with his mouth.

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Postby shmuel » Wed Jul 02, 2008 3:24 pm

we had a Rat... "kleineman" littleman.
Every evening we`d let him out of his cage so he could roam around the room.
I`m on the sofa watching TV... sort of real relaxed with a blanket.
After about 30 minutes of exploring the room and digging around in the potted plants and making lots of noise... littleman would disappear...all is still.
Is that an itch on my leg? No its the littleman... crawling around underneath the blanket looking for a place to take a snooze.
He would end up on me stomache and fall asleep... always freaked any guest out.

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Sun Jul 13, 2008 12:24 pm

(((((((((((((( Katietron )))))))))))))))

Have a black cat that thinks he owns the place and not bashful in letting you know. If he is lying in the chair, down even think of moving him. Gets between you and the t.v., well he isn't moving, you can. Doesn't like "people food" but loves ice in his water.

Oh the big thing is he LOVES for me to give him a shower.!!

Strange one but I love him.

Warmie/Jeanie 8)


Postby JovianHalo13 » Fri Aug 22, 2008 12:19 am

Ok lets see. I've had alot of strange here goes.

I used to have a dog that did a "I gotta potty dance" when she needed to go outside.

I have a cat now that plays basketball and soccer. Throw a mini basketball and he makes it bounce. Roll one and he'll jump on it and won't let it get past He also has a paperball fetish. He also hops like a bunny when he

I had another dog who was scared of leaves. But absolutely loved to play with socks. (on or off your feet)

a cockateil that would hang upside down like a bat.

I think that's about it.

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Postby aim » Wed Feb 25, 2009 3:21 pm

I know this has not been written in for quite some time, but I have to share my dilemma with Dakota!

She is a sweet, friendly and kind dog who loves people. Loves them too much. She jumps on them and is frantic for about 10 minutes when people come in the house. The problem is, that a lot of people in my life do not enjoy a 45 pound animal jumping on them! And the ones that do, won't listen to me when I tell them how to stop them. It's a dilemma!! There are people who will not come to my house because of it.

Any advice?

By the way... even though she's excited to see me when I get home from work, she does not jump on me because I've trained her not to. If these people who love her would listen to me, things would get a lot better.

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Thu Feb 26, 2009 4:14 pm

Consider it their loss, not spending time with your dog.??

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Postby aim » Thu Feb 26, 2009 5:15 pm

lol, Jeanie! Yes, they don't know what they are missing since they refuse to see my puppy! She's such a sweet girl... it does hurt when people won't come here because of her though... :-(

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Postby erika/r|ka » Thu Feb 26, 2009 5:16 pm

hey Amy

I have the same problem with Nilak - i think it's something which huskies just love doing hehe...jumping onto people to show how much they love them. Personally the only thing i can do when someone comes home is i have to close him in his own room if i know that this person is afraid of him or if they dont know him at all. Otherwise it's just jump, jump, lick, lick onto everyone hehe - he'd probably even welcome burglars that way cos he's too friendly with everyone


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Postby aim » Thu Feb 26, 2009 9:24 pm

Hey erika-

I always said that about Dakota! That she would just lick a mugger to death if ever faced with one.

Yes, Huskies are the most loveable dogs, but this also makes them very scary to people who are not comfortable with dogs.

I know you know about Huskies, girl! Beautiful, sweet and NUTS!!! How old is your dog? Dakota is 4 and a half now.

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Postby jen21 » Fri Feb 27, 2009 12:15 am

So you lucky husky owners... Try a squirt bottle filled with water next time they jump, and a correction noise. Huskies are notorious jumpers, hence why I go home covered in scratches lol! Many people think that the Huskies jump to show dominance and show people that they're not as high as them, which might be why she won't jump on you, you're the Alpha! (dogs always love their mommies :) ) Just my ideas, I know how fun and testing it can be to work with a husky, hope it helps!


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Postby erika/r|ka » Fri Feb 27, 2009 2:41 am

*hugs* all

amy he's 2 years old now and hyper as ever hehe - but frankly i dont really care much these days about people who want to be afraid of him and dont come close to me cos of him. He's my best friend ever and i'm not too keen on people anyways ;)

Jen, thanks for the ideas :) I have to try those and see what happens hehe. Very true that working and training a husky is testing and fun gets me covered in scratches - explained it perfectly there hehe


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Postby aim » Fri Feb 27, 2009 9:11 pm

Hey all! Yes, Jen, thanks for the ideas! Unfortunately, I really did try the squirt bottle things with Dakota... she leaped after it like it was snow or rain falling from the sky! She's quite a remarkable dog, actually, when I think about it!

I AM going to try the noise, though. As she's aged, she has began to fear the noise of pots and pans banging together... maybe I'll try that.

Thanks again!

And Erika... Dakota has calmed WAY down from when she was two, if that's any consolation to you! She's still nuts, but the insanity does not last quite as long as it did two years ago!!

It's so nice coming home to her though... she's always happy to see me!

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Postby erika/r|ka » Sat Feb 28, 2009 3:20 am

hey Amy,

yeah NIlak has already calmed alot from when he was younger, but thanks for the encouragement. He's always happy to see me to somehow and it's nice going home to someone like that - however sadly enough, i'll probably lose him very soon and not be able to see him anymore. Funny thing is....that will happen if things 'go well' for me. We'll see....I do not even want to think about that part of it. Take care both of you *hugs*

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Postby aim » Sat Feb 28, 2009 9:37 pm

Erika- I know you love your puppy but things NEED to go right for you! Keep me posted!!!

And why couldn't she go with you? Wherever you might end up...

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