Inadequate in every way

Shared experiences of life, and the path that has led you to where you are.

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Inadequate in every way

Postby Knoxville88 » Sun Feb 28, 2021 1:08 am

I always feel like im never good enough. I see faults in everything i do and everything i am. I dont understand how somebody can like me when i hate myself so much. Whenever i make a mistake or disappoint someone or upset someone somehow, I'm so hard on myself. I used to self harm and that's how I knew I was sorry enough. I felt I had to teach myself a lesson so I didn't make that mistake again. It's been years since I cut, but still to this day that's the first place my mind goes when something happens. I feel like I deserve to hurt. I hate it. I shut down and obsess over it. Sometimes I think the only reason I don't cut anymore is fear of being caught. Part of me still wants to and I don't want to fall into that again. I'm ashamed to ask for help or even talk about it. I'm afraid my girl would leave me if I told her about it. I don't have any friends anymore and my family has never understood. I'm drowning in my thoughts and I just want to scream.

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Re: Inadequate in every way

Postby Bonbon » Sun Feb 28, 2021 1:39 pm

Hey!! What a shame you feel like this. Where are you from? I joined this website to speak about my feelings and to stop feeling lonely x

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Re: Inadequate in every way

Postby Brennen_Green20 » Thu Mar 11, 2021 12:26 pm

Reading this made me sad. I wish you did not feel this way. Humans are flawed by nature, have you ever met a human being who has never disappointed someone, hasn't lied, hasn't done someone wrong. No there isn't. We all are inadequate in every way too. You need to know that we will commit errors till the day we die. Know that you are not alone and I am happy that you do not self-harm anymore. Screwing up is a part of who we are. There must be something good that is in you. Instead of focusing on your flaws just look at the good you do. For example, are you kind to your parents? Are you kind to your siblings? If yes, then just smile because we are in a world where we do not spend a second with our family and when we do the bare minimum we live on that for days.
and if you are not kind to your parents and siblings then start today. Mend yourself BUT with a positive attitude not with the same 'I am good for nothing and at nothing' sorta attitude. If you are not good at being good to others start today. Giving out affection makes you feel good about yourself. Do something today that might make someone else smile and I assure you, you will like yourself a bit. We are all flawed but being kind is what makes us human too and sets us apart from the rest of the species.

Also, keep a journal put your darkest deepest thoughts in it. It might sound like a cliché but it REALLY helps. You feel like a weight lifted off your shoulders and change the narrative of your thoughts a bit. For example, I hate myself for not doing this today, but I will try my best tomorrow. Cut yourself some slack man, you are not going out there tedbundi-ing someone. You will be fine :*

Man, this got really long. Hope it helps.

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