Over-protective parents - Depression, anxiety and low self-esteem

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Over-protective parents - Depression, anxiety and low self-esteem

Postby sam89665 » Thu Sep 06, 2018 6:12 am

Hi all,

I'm new here and have never used a forum before. I'm male, 31 years old. I live with my wife of 1 year and do not currently have any children. I have been suffering with depression, anxiety, low self-esteem and OCD for around 10 years, I also have Asperger's syndrome. I've had therapy on and off over the 10 years, I often get to a point where I'm "ok" but the issues always return.

A couple of months back everything came tumbling down for me again - I entered depression and have returned to therapy. My issues are multi-layered - my anxiety, low self-esteem, lack of confidence, etc. stem from being hugely over-protected as a child (an only child). What seemed liked a great, loving childhood from the outside was actually a hugely damaging, controlling environment on the inside. This left me without any of the tools required to cope in the adult world.

I realised I have a lot to be grateful for - so many people's stories I've read on here are that of catastrophic loss, separation, abuse, etc. - I know a lot of people would give their right arm to be in my position (a loving wife, a great home, a job, etc.). My problems are obviously centered around my upbringing and how I feel about myself, rather than what's around me. What doesn't help is the Asperger's, as this has always made me someone who prefers to be on my own (or just with my wife) meaning I have no friends at all anymore. Making new friends, although not impossible, is not easy, especially with low self-esteem.

I guess I'm here to see if anyone else has had this kind of experience. I've never found anyone who has had the same kind of upbringing as me, with overprotective parents, and it would be great to find someone like that to talk to.



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