I'm not sure how to be hungry again.

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I'm not sure how to be hungry again.

Postby gilgamesh422 » Wed Mar 12, 2014 12:21 pm

I'm in the middle of the lowest part of my life (or so I hope) I've been seeing a therapist for a little over a year, but I'm beginning to distrust him. I've been fairly healthy up until now. The most important person in my life is beginning to leave me, and I can't seem to feel hungry. I live on my own, and really don't have anyone to help remind me to eat. I don't feel comfortable talking to anyone about it personally. Does anyone know how to kickstart my appetite again? it's been a few days since I've eaten.

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Postby gilgamesh422 » Wed Mar 12, 2014 1:04 pm

In actuality, I just don't want to eat.

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Postby Frame » Wed Mar 12, 2014 1:20 pm

I'm not sure how closely my experiences will fit yours, but two things come to mind:

Second, I loose my appetite when my mind is full. Sometimes, I'm laser focused (been a long time now) and so involved in a project that thoughts of food or hunger just don't come up. Sometimes my mind is so full of worry or grief (more often), that even if I remind myself that I need to eat, I can't decide what to eat; nothing is appealing. I just can't be bothered.

The end to any such episode comes when I empty my mind of some of the baggage; the project is finished or I'm forced to stop grieving and begin acting. It's not so much the action that makes me hungry but the extra space in my mind to thing about, to desire food.

But first, is this a concern for you? I mean, of course you want to remain aware (which you apparently are) and not jeopardize your health. However, fasting is one good way of clearing your mind. And not eating when your body won't tell you what to eat, in my opinion, is a good thing. So mindful fasting beats mindless eating any day.

You should, I believe, pay attention to staying hydrated. Vitamins in good measure and some fruit juice might also help. I'd stay away from processed foods; and all alcoholic beverages are processed food.

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Postby gilgamesh422 » Wed Mar 12, 2014 1:32 pm

I guess food has just always been emphasized in my life. My family is always checking to make sure I'm eating regularly, even when I am. Hydration has always been hard for me. I run through water really quickly, but due to my OCD i can't drink water that isn't filtered without feeling sick. I've tried carrying water bottles, but I always lose them.

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Postby Woglinde » Sun Mar 16, 2014 10:31 pm

I have a problem like this too, where people have to remind me to eat. I just don't feel like eating and nothing is appealing. When I do force some food, I don't even feel the relief of alleviating hunger.

When I realize this happening, then I try to treat myself to some of my favorite things. The kind of stuff that I want to eat just to make me feel emotionally better. For example, chocolate is always a comfort for me for some reason. And if I eat some chocolate that at least keeps me from passing out.

I have the hydration problem too, because I live in a very dry climate and I hate the taste of our water even when it's through the filter. I end up drinking tea or coffee instead because the flavor is so bad. I'd like to drink more water but sometimes I can't muster the extra effort to get clean water.

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Postby justlost » Fri Mar 28, 2014 12:16 am

I'm having a similar problem right now. Suddenly everything I used to enjoy eating just looks unappetizing and gross.

Even my favorite foods. I'm still forcing myself to eat a few bites of the things I cook for the family, but I'm not taking in very many calories. And even when I am having hunger pains, I can't seem to find anything that doesn't make me feel immediately nauseated.

I'm hoping it will pass. I have no idea how to take pleasure in food again when I just... don't.

I'm sorry I'm not helpful, but you're not alone, which means I'm not alone, and I thought it was worth posting.

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