Just like everyone else!

Shared experiences of life, and the path that has led you to where you are.

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Just like everyone else!

Postby sami-lu » Mon Mar 31, 2008 9:51 pm

Well just like everyone else I've got a horror story which lead to my depression an as unrealistic as my story may seem here it is.........

Rite up until I was 7-years-old (1997) both my parents stayed home with my sister Toni & I then one day things with money got bad & dad had to start working which would've been fine apart from the fact that my dad's dyslexic (dyslexia is a reading disorder, can't read, write or spell) so finding a job wasn't easy but eventually he found a job at a place called Hansel’s and that was great for him & our family until he'd been working there for about a month starting at 5am & finishing at 6-8pm.
Being young parents made it hard for them my mum was only 25 and dad was 34. My mum stayed home with Toni & I she had depression herself & wasn't really copping with being a full time young mum & when dad would get home she would stress at him that she was tired & I'd been naughty (I was a real little tart) & he'd just lose it at me he started hitting me & throwing me around allot this happened for 5 years (2002).
In 2001 they had my little sister Paige & sold our family home 3months later for a fresh start.
They bought a new house we'd been living in our new home for 3months when dad flipped out again & hit me worse than he ever had before my mum got so upset she got in the middle & stopped him then left him & took us girls away.
(I'm sure rite now you're wondering why my mum didn't stop it sooner well she's got her nasty story too about how her step father beat her, threw knives at her & raped her & her mother just let it happen.)
She moved up north to Hamilton to live with her dad I had school exams to do so I stayed in town with mums best friend Louise who has a daughter 20days older than me Tanya so that was ok.
Mum told Louise I wasn't to see my dad but Tanya & her little sister Lisa lost their dad when Tanya & I were 2-years-old & Louise didn’t' want to do that to me so she let me see my dad he changed so much once mum left, he was calmer & cooler so I spent lots of time with him.
Mum moved back & lived in her big brother Matts 1 bedroom sleep out so I got to see her & my sisters again but I stayed at Louise’s house with her & her family 'cause there wasn't enough room at my uncle Matts.
Mum had no idea I was going to see dad all the time.
Mum moved out of Matts & got her own place 14 Elizabeth Street & then she found out she applied for full custody. Toni, Paige & I had our own lawyer Louise Elder I told the lawyer "I want to live with my dad" Toni told the lawyer "I want to stay here with mum" & of cores Paige didn't have a say she was too young.
Then when the court case came up the lawyer said Toni & I told her we didn't want to see dad until he went to anger management.
So of cores we weren't aloud to see dad but instead of just until he did anger management it was for a whole year I was so upset not being able to see him he was the best dad even with his temper.

Then at 13-years-old I was attending Makoura Collage and I got my first real boyfriend K*** C***ton I spent every moment I could with him.
He was a few years older than me & my mates & had allot of older mates I thought he was just so cool until his 19th birthday party at his house it was only a small party K***, Stuart, Myself & his parents.
Stuart had to go a=home about 8pm I wasn't due to go home until 10pm which was cool 'cause it was the first time mum let me out that late. Once Stuart left K*** & I got sick of his parents so we went & sat in his room just to watch TV & talk (well that's what he told me anyway).
We were sitting on his bed watching TV but it was boring so he started playing play station I don't play so I just watched it was kind of boring but oh well then after his character died 3 or 4 times he got sick of the game & wanted cuddles I felt so loved & he kept saying "you know I love you aye" & I believed him he put his hands in my pants I pushed him away but he put his hand back & said "it's ok I'm not going to hurt you" so I just sat there he started doing stuff, I moved his hand out of me & my pants.
Then he flipped me onto my back & held me down with his body over mine & his hand pressing my wrists together & down onto the bed while he kept doing stuff in my pants with his other hand I was so scared but couldn't do anything, then he pulled my pants down & put himself inside me it was very sore & extremely scary. After he said to me "tell anyone & you'll be sorry" so of course I never told anyone.
This kept happening for about a year. But after awhile it wasn’t just him he’d use anything he could get his hands on. A couple of times he even invited his mates in to watch & told me I had to enjoy it or they’d know & he’d kill me if anyone found out.
I was way too scared to leave him or tell anyone what he was doing he knew everything about me & my family he'd been in my family home with my mum & sisters there was nothing I could do.
One day he sent me a text 'it's over I've found someone else' I was so relieved he was gone but scared he'd come back for me.
We still attended the same school & saw each other everyday. Then one day about a year or so after it all started I was talking to the school guidance counsellor George Groombrige about school troubles and out of the blue I blurted out "I hate K*** C***ton" he asked me why & I told him everything he got such a fright. Then he asked me to stay in his office while he went to get someone 'cause he wasn't entirely sure what to do, he got a female staff member Mrs Lidbetter & said to me "tell her what you just told me about K*** C***ton" I didn't I just sat there so he told her bluntly "he raped her several times & threatened her not to tell" Mrs L was shocked then they asked me if they should contact the police or at least my mum I responded so quickly "don't tell my mum" then left the room.
I went to get my mate Kita roughly explained what was going on she started crying then we went back to Mr Groombrige’s office to see Mrs L on the phone when she was done she said to me “that was the police they’re on their way here now to ask you some questions” I was scared but Kita reassured me everything would be ok she wasn’t going to leave my side & she didn’t she stayed with me while I talked to the police, she stayed with me when K*** & his mates were yelling abuse at me while K*** was being arrested.
For months on end K*** & his mates abused me every time they saw me calling me a ‘liar’ a ‘slut’ & allot of other things that I can’t really remember rite now.
A year after I’d told Mr Groombrige the police called me & asked me to make a formal statement.
I made my statement & two weeks later the girl K*** left me for Sheree went to the police claiming he’d raped her too, she made a statement. Two days before it was to go to court the police officer Emma (Bunny) Foot that was in charge of the case picked me up from my house took me to the police station to inform me that Sheree’s statement was exactly the same as mine she’d read it in Mr Groombrige’s office & made the whole thing up & the courts knew this. Emma told me I could still stand up in court for this but unfortunately I’m not likely to get far ‘cause they’ll think I’m lying like Sheree. I chose not to go through with it & get laughed out of court ‘cause that’d make things worse.
K*** got away with what he did to me because of Sheree so when I got home I was pretty upset & angry then Sheree turned up & was all smiley I lost it & jumped at her & started hitting her several times in the face. Then my mates explained why I did it & why she had to leave.
I spent the next year trying to forget it then one day I met a really nice guy Mark ok he wasn’t sexy but he was sweet, kind, gentle & a really good listener just what I’d always been looking for. We’d been together for 3days when we slept together I fell pregnant straight away I didn’t tell him until it was too late to have a termination ‘cause I knew that’s what he’d want. Sure enough when I told him the first thing he said was “get rid of it” when I told him it was too late he beat me until I lost it, he promised it’d never happen again & I stayed with him for over a year after that the abuse happened every day but I had no where to go, when I got with him my whole family stopped talking to me because I became a total b***.
After 17 months I finally got out & moved back to dads I’m now with a great guy Marcus he’s never hit me he’s only yelled at me once & listens when I say no to sex I couldn’t be happier.

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Postby sami-lu » Mon Mar 31, 2008 9:53 pm


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Postby Emotional_77 » Tue Apr 01, 2008 1:23 pm

wow hun!!!!.. (((((((((((sami)))))))))))))

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Sun Apr 20, 2008 11:48 am

((((((((( sami-lu)))))))))))))))))))

Thank you for sharing, hope writing it down has helped you in someway.

Take care

Warmie 8)

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