I've been friendless over 10yrs

Shared experiences of life, and the path that has led you to where you are.

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Postby Emotional_77 » Sun Dec 14, 2008 2:54 pm

((((((((Beenthere)))))))))) That was the most kindest response in this forum yet, wow!! Keep on posting here often, we need these responses more. Thanks for letting me know that I have done a good job posting sometimes I think I suck at it and not really helping.

ShatteredDreams, How is your boyfriend in all of this.. I mean does he support you when you feel alone.

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Postby SoulInDespair » Sun Dec 14, 2008 4:18 pm

Emotional_77 wrote:((((((((Beenthere)))))))))) That was the most kindest response in this forum yet, wow!! Keep on posting here often, we need these responses more. Thanks for letting me know that I have done a good job posting sometimes I think I suck at it and not really helping.

ShatteredDreams, How is your boyfriend in all of this.. I mean does he support you when you feel alone.

(((Emotional_77))) You're not the only one who feels that way. I feel I suck on two depression forums. :( I feel guilty sometimes about not being able to help more and then fearful that if I do try to help that I may do more harm then good. Sometimes, I'm just not sure what to say so I say nothing.

Also, I feel guilty that I'm so wrapped up in my own problems that I'm being to selfish and self-centered and taking more then I'm giving. I'm trying to be a better person by giving back to others and sometimes I feel I fail miserablely.

(((Shatteredreams))) I don't go into chatrooms because they intimidate me and I don't come here very often so I don't know if you've been here or not. But I hope you realize that there are people out here that do care. A few already have reached out to you and proven that you're not alone. Come back and update us on your progress.

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Hi there you three (shattered/soul/emo77)

Postby Beenthere » Wed Dec 17, 2008 12:01 am

Thank you for the kind comments about the posting. I thought I would just reply to the last two postings with a couple comments. Hope you don't mind. There is really no such thing as not doing well or "sucking" while posting comments in the forum as you mentioned. This forum is a place to discuss and share feelings, situations and to be honest and look for support, ideas and hope. If you are honest, that's all you have to do and come as you are and say what you think is important and on your heart. No one is judging you.
I'm still deeply touched by some of the information you have shared about how lonely and hurt each of you feel these days. Each of you has used VERY POWERFUL words to describe your current feelings. It's so very important to me that each of you know that how you feel now is a direct effect/result to things that have burdened or caused you pain in your lives but have not been properly or completely dealt with. A lot of times we are able to hold ourselves above sad feelings or pain but it's not sustainable long term. Eventually the feelings catch up and all of the sudden may overwhelm our lives to where we are unable to function like we used to and we feel like we are failing and alone. That's where depression/anxiety/OCD sets up camp and decides to take over uninvited.
Based on what I've read I hope each of you are tired of feeling like you are alone, sad, not able to function like you used to because if you are then now is the time to fix some things. It sounds like each of you are ready to be happy and regain control of your life. Sometimes people thrive on being unhappy and that's what powers their motor but I don't think that is the case here based on what I have read. At least I hope not.

This will sound really counterintuitive but I hope each of you is at or near "Rock Bottom" with how you feel in life. The reason I say this is because the most true deep lasting and powerful change comes to those that have thrown everything fake in their lives out and have nothing left (no fuel in the tank). Once at Rock Bottom you know can seek authentic/true help to rebuild. I mean it. Rock Bottom doesn't necessarily have to mean a bad thing like you may have been lead to believe. To me the bottom is the beginning of the new life that you are truly meant to live. You know what hasn't worked and now you can try what does work.

I will never forget the day I decided to kill myself because I couldn't stand being alone anymore. I couldn't stand feeling friendless and like I had to try so hard just to get through a day. I had nothing left in the tank and I was tired of guilt feelings and thinking I was being self centered becuase of my problems. That was my Rock Bottom. If I hadn't have been that low, I wouldn't know the meaning of true authentic help which I seeked out and repaired my life.

If you truly think you have had enough and you are near the bottom then I'm very excited for you because your new life is ready to begin and there is no where to go but up. Time to reclaim your life and it's never too late. Ever. I think each of you are in a tunnel and that tunnel has and end to it. I hope it's time for you to head out into the light at the end of the tunnel and reclaim yourselves and your life back.

If you are near bottom I challenge you to complete at least one step in the next week or so:

- Call and make an appt with a licensed counselor/therapist that specializes in Depression/OCD/anxiety.
- Find a good book and start learning about these diseases. Try to understand anx/depression and OCD. LEARN ABOUT YOUR ENEMY.
- Get a blank notepad and write one thing each day about yourself that you are good at or write something nice about yourself even if you don't feel it's true. Everyone is good at many things and each of you has a thousand+ positive things about you. Start documenting one thing per day and think about what you wrote sometime during the day.
- Start an exercise routine 30 min a day no matter what.

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Postby Emotional_77 » Fri Dec 19, 2008 4:12 pm


Big HUGS to you.

To your comment about hoping we are at "rock bottom" I have allready been through that and I am healing everyday. I still fall down some days that is why I joined this forum so on those days I have this to bring me back up.

((((((SoulInDespair))) You do not suck :P

I love you both and all who belong to this forum.

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Postby SoulInDespair » Sat Dec 27, 2008 9:09 pm

Emotional_77 wrote:((((BeenThere)))))))))))))

Big HUGS to you.

To your comment about hoping we are at "rock bottom" I have allready been through that and I am healing everyday. I still fall down some days that is why I joined this forum so on those days I have this to bring me back up.

((((((SoulInDespair))) You do not suck :P

I love you both and all who belong to this forum.

Aww! That's very sweet of you to say that. Thank you. Has anyone here heard from Shatteredream? I hope they come back.

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Postby Shatteredreams » Wed Dec 31, 2008 8:05 pm

Today is the worst day of my life. I've never had a bf, I've been trying to find one for years, every time I see a guy I like I get rejected.. Now finally I found a guy (which I thought I did.) and we've been dating for 5yrs (5 wasted years..)and I thought something soon might happen between us until yesterday evening, he told me the most shocking news that he's gay. Now I'm so devastated.. He tried to call me all day today but I didn't bother to answer because I'm through with this guy. He leads me on and then all of a sudden he tells me that he's gay. Now I have nobody. Right now I'm figuring out who to give my belonging to in case I'm gone. Life really sucks and I'm not going through this anymore. So take care of yourselves and in case you never hear from me again.. Have a nice life everyone :cry:

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Postby SoulInDespair » Thu Jan 01, 2009 1:35 am

Shatteredreams wrote:Today is the worst day of my life. I've never had a bf, I've been trying to find one for years, every time I see a guy I like I get rejected.. Now finally I found a guy (which I thought I did.) and we've been dating for 5yrs (5 wasted years..)and I thought something soon might happen between us until yesterday evening, he told me the most shocking news that he's gay. Now I'm so devastated.. He tried to call me all day today but I didn't bother to answer because I'm through with this guy. He leads me on and then all of a sudden he tells me that he's gay. Now I have nobody. Right now I'm figuring out who to give my belonging to in case I'm gone. Life really sucks and I'm not going through this anymore. So take care of yourselves and in case you never hear from me again.. Have a nice life everyone :cry:

Aww, honey. I'm so sorry that happen to you. :( It just doesn't seem fair that it turned out this way but you can't give up hope just because this guy led you on like he did. I know it hurts and you feel betrayed but don't do anything you'll regret. Not long back I had a guy that I fell in love with lead me on too and when he proved to be not who I thought he was I was devastated. I know all about being alone and lonely. I don't have any friends or family either. The only friends that I have are my cyber friends and they've been very helpful.

Please, come back and talk to us some more. I think you'll find sharing with people who can understand will help you alot and show you that you're not alone. You do have friends here. All you need to do is reach out to us and you'll find we'll always be here for you.

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Postby Emotional_77 » Thu Jan 01, 2009 3:58 pm

((((shattereddreams))))) i responded to you in PM hunni

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Tue Feb 03, 2009 11:05 pm

(((((((((((((((((((((((( Shatteredreams )))))))))))))))))))))))))))

A warm hug, hope it helps.

Warmie 8)

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