opiates for depression

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opiates for depression

Postby njp1433 » Thu Mar 06, 2008 9:37 pm

im 19 years old and iv had severe ocd and anxiety/anger issues since i was little kid. i was also diagnosed with depression about 4 years ago. iv been prescribed about every anti-depressant on the market, as well as a couple different bi-polar meds all of which did absolutely nothing for me, except have negative side effects. i was also prescribed klonopin for the anxiety. but i literally felt zero relief from taking 1mg, and higher doses didnt help either, just made me forgetful and tired, but i still had racing thoughts in my mind and anxiety. i have smoked for a couple years now, and that was always the only thing that helped, but it deffinently didnt cure it. after all the frustration of getting no relief from the many different meds i had tried, i eventually got into oxycontin, which literally made me feel normal. my friends that would do oc with me would always say how they felt "f***** up", but i didnt really feel that way at all, i just felt more motivated, more confident in myself, had no feelings of depression, and no anxiety. i felt like it was my miracle pill. unfortunently i had trouble controlling myself with the oc, and after a month i was taking about 120mg a day. i stopped cold turkey and had to go to the hospital because i got so sick. they gave me clonodine which helps a little cuz it just chills u out, but many weeks after being clean of the oc's, and i was back to being depressed and all that shit that i hadnt felt while on oxycontin. after much discussion with my doctor and my father, im now taking tramadol 100mg 4 times a day for the mental issues as well as sever stomach pain. I feel much more motivated and happy, not high at all, just normal. i dont have any desire to do oxycontin any more, nor do i have the desire to take extra tramadol because it works fine taking it as prescribed. i have been taking tramadol for about a month now, and so far have had no signs of a tolerance issue, which is my doctors main concern since i am already taking the max dose for tramadol. but anyway has anyone had a similiar experience with opiates?

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Sun Apr 20, 2008 11:50 am


Just to let you know I have read what you posted.

Warmie 8)

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