Should I Tell Them?

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Should I Tell Them?

Postby RedCardinal04 » Sun Feb 02, 2020 10:14 pm

I've been diagnosed with depression and anxiety since middle school and now I'm a sophomore at high school and none of my friends know. I want to tell them because I don't really have anyone to talk to about this to. I've stopped going to therapy, I don't talk to my dad, and even though it's been 2 years and I've tried countless times to talk to her about this, my mom just gets way to uncomfortable about the topic. I don't want to go back to therapy though, I don't want someone to fix my problems. I think I just want some reassurance like "yeah, you're right, that sucks. But your not crazy for thinking that". It just gets a bit rough when feeling all these things but have to keep it all to myself even though it's become a big part of my life. But I don't want it to seem like I'm dumping all my emotional baggage on my friends because it's not just the depression, it's the anxiety, the panic attacks, the attempted suicide, the family issues, the loneliness, etc. It's not just the mental illness, it's all the other stuff too you know? Should I limit how much I say? Would saying everything be too much? Would telling more than just one person seem like I'm looking for attention? It's just that my friends only know the surface stuff, that I'm some artsy kid who dropped out of sports. I want them to know and I don't want to keep hiding it but if it means bringing them down to 'get something off my chest' then I don't want to do it.

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Re: Should I Tell Them?

Postby Maybethelastday » Fri Feb 07, 2020 11:51 am

I have been suffering from the same thing as you are. And sharing your problems do help a lot. I am scared to tell my family about this because I already feel like a burden to them and I don’t want to add more. My family fights everyday because of my school fees and my mom cries everyday and tells me her plans to die or run away because of the stress everyone’s giving her including some debts she has to deal with. I can’t even say anything so I just cut myself little by little. I overdose pills of blood pressure or the painkillers hoping I don’t see tomorrow. But when I see the morning I see a little hope for tomorrow because there are still 2 people with whom I can be open with. They knew something was wrong so they assured me and listened to my shits and didn’t made me feel weird or small. They just hug me and say one day everything will be fine. It helps me sometimes. Maybe it will work for you because you had the facility of therapy too. You need to continue visiting the therapist and talk to one whom you trust the most. It didn’t work for me but maybe it will work for you.

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Re: Should I Tell Them?

Postby Prycejosh1987 » Wed Jun 03, 2020 1:13 pm

RedCardinal04 wrote:I've been diagnosed with depression and anxiety since middle school and now I'm a sophomore at high school and none of my friends know. I want to tell them because I don't really have anyone to talk to about this to. I've stopped going to therapy, I don't talk to my dad, and even though it's been 2 years and I've tried countless times to talk to her about this, my mom just gets way to uncomfortable about the topic. I don't want to go back to therapy though, I don't want someone to fix my problems. I think I just want some reassurance like "yeah, you're right, that sucks. But your not crazy for thinking that". It just gets a bit rough when feeling all these things but have to keep it all to myself even though it's become a big part of my life. But I don't want it to seem like I'm dumping all my emotional baggage on my friends because it's not just the depression, it's the anxiety, the panic attacks, the attempted suicide, the family issues, the loneliness, etc. It's not just the mental illness, it's all the other stuff too you know? Should I limit how much I say? Would saying everything be too much? Would telling more than just one person seem like I'm looking for attention? It's just that my friends only know the surface stuff, that I'm some artsy kid who dropped out of sports. I want them to know and I don't want to keep hiding it but if it means bringing them down to 'get something off my chest' then I don't want to do it.

The short answer is not at all. Confiding with other people will really help you with this issue. Because not only will you get valid opinions that can help you. But you will automatically be on the road to success. Unfortunately most therapists tell you how to cope with the problem and not eliminate it. It keeps you coming back to them. My advice is talk to your folks and talk to your friends, let them know the seriousness of the situation. I guarantee that at least your Mom cares about you enough to support you and help you.

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