When will depression end already

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When will depression end already

Postby MarissaAnne » Mon May 11, 2020 1:59 am

So I’m going through a different time right now. Ever since I graduated from high school I’ve had unstable housing and I’ve made so many mistakes and really took some people in my life for granted, like my parents. I can’t imagine that one day they won’t be here. I won’t get to call them and say “I love you” I won’t get to see them on their birthdays. I don’t want to be on this Earth without my mom or my dad or any of my family members. I just can’t stand the thought of getting older and not having them with me. I’ve been so angry and selfish and rude for such a long time that I didn’t realize how I was affecting the ones around me. I fee so bad for my mom because of how I have treated her during hard times like she wasn’t going through the same thing with me. Sometimes when I get suicidal thoughts I get so scared that i might actually go through with it and I can’t hurt my mom like that. Why do I have to have thoughts like those? I love my mom and my dad. They support me the best way they can. Stupid mental health...always getting in the way. I just don’t want to be depressed anymore. I want to be able to be happy.

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Re: When will depression end already

Postby angelo1936 » Wed May 13, 2020 7:04 pm

i completely understand how you're feeling, depression is so complicated and annoying sometimes. have you tried talking to your parents or a therapist or someone just to talk to? talking to someone, especially someone with experience on the topic, can really help release some frustration you may feel against yourself for being unhappy, because you begin to understand that you are not alone in your thoughts <3
i hope this helps x

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Re: When will depression end already

Postby angelinal25 » Fri May 15, 2020 2:00 pm

depression ends when you treat it well and do proper exercises and medication

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Re: When will depression end already

Postby IDontKnowWhoIAm » Mon May 25, 2020 4:14 pm

I know exactly how you feel. I went through the same thing when I graduated high school and ended getting caught up in an abusive relationship for two years. I always took my parents for granted until I had no where to go and no one there to look after me when I needed it the most. I regret everything I have said and done to my parents and wish I could go back and change everything. I also fear death and know that it would harm so many people especially my family but the thoughts are always there and I’m terrified of what I’m capable of doing. I like to believe that I would never do that to myself or anyone else but the more it progresses the more I’m terrified that I am. I’m now 22 years old and still struggle with my depression and have been receiving help for my anxiety and PTSD as well. I hate the feelings and thoughts that I have on a daily basis and I wish I was able to be happy as well.

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