Hello. I'm Alex, and I'm new to the forum

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Alex. H
Posts: 2
Joined: Sat Jul 13, 2019 2:19 am

Hello. I'm Alex, and I'm new to the forum

Postby Alex. H » Sat Jul 13, 2019 2:36 am

Hi. I'm Alex. I live in a rural community in California, and for the last few years I've been dealing with what I think is depression? I've never seen a mental health specialist, but I've been dealing with waves of suicidal thoughts, self doubt, and anxiety. So I think it may be something I need to talk about. I have a steady job, 2 dogs, a partner, and a home, but still these thoughts of ending it all remain. I've yet to act on them, or seek professional help, but I can't bury them inside myself anymore. I'm hoping this might be a place to gain some insight into what others are going through, and ways to deal with depression on my own. I don't have anyone in my life I'm comfortable sharing these thoughts with. Any help is appreciated.

Posts: 6
Joined: Thu Jul 11, 2019 5:25 pm

Re: Hello. I'm Alex, and I'm new to the forum

Postby jess-scott » Sat Jul 13, 2019 1:33 pm

Hi Alex, although I am not a Psychologist, I do have an educational background in psychology and I myself have clinical depression. Yes, it does sound very much like you are experiencing clinical depression as well. I’m not sure how to advise you on how to deal with it on your own. Talking with a qualified experienced professional has been the one thing that keeps me going. I understand living in a rural community can make it hard to seek professional help but there are good professionals who see people via phone or video. Hope that helps and hang in there.

Alex. H
Posts: 2
Joined: Sat Jul 13, 2019 2:19 am

Re: Hello. I'm Alex, and I'm new to the forum

Postby Alex. H » Sun Jul 14, 2019 12:44 am

Thank you for your reply. I've had a hunch I need help, the one barrier for me has been affordability. Are there any web based therapy groups you would suggest/recommend? I'd like to talk it out before I go off the "deep end" ....

I really appreciate the reply.

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Re: Hello. I'm Alex, and I'm new to the forum

Postby jess-scott » Sun Jul 14, 2019 1:04 pm

As far as affordability... In my experience many professionals have allocated at least a portion of their practice on a sliding scale fee basis. In addition, the first contact is often a no fee consultation for you both to get an idea if its a good fit, as well as come to an agreement on compensation. I don’t have a specific recommendation though.

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Re: Hello. I'm Alex, and I'm new to the forum

Postby MiddleChild » Tue Jul 23, 2019 3:25 pm

It’s a good first step that you recognize something is amiss and that you might need help. Are there professional therapists in your area? If you can’t find one, you might want to consider getting advice from a pastor in a nearby church. I have been helped immensely by pastors and volunteers from church. It is sad the way mainstream media portrays them. I just want to add something here that you might want to consider in the future. I hope things get better, my friend.

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Re: Hello. I'm Alex, and I'm new to the forum

Postby Prycejosh1987 » Wed Jun 03, 2020 2:22 pm

Alex. H wrote:Hi. I'm Alex. I live in a rural community in California, and for the last few years I've been dealing with what I think is depression? I've never seen a mental health specialist, but I've been dealing with waves of suicidal thoughts, self doubt, and anxiety. So I think it may be something I need to talk about. I have a steady job, 2 dogs, a partner, and a home, but still these thoughts of ending it all remain. I've yet to act on them, or seek professional help, but I can't bury them inside myself anymore. I'm hoping this might be a place to gain some insight into what others are going through, and ways to deal with depression on my own. I don't have anyone in my life I'm comfortable sharing these thoughts with. Any help is appreciated.

You have a lot of negative thoughts which you need to address. What makes negative thoughts so evil is that they come very subtly and seem to make sense. The end of the thoughts are pure mental and psychological destruction. Deal with negative with positive and question all these negative thoughts quickly and sharply. The more you stay away from this kind of thinking the less effect negatives will have on you.

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Re: Hello. I'm Alex, and I'm new to the forum

Postby no_answer » Sat Dec 12, 2020 12:43 am

Hi Alex. I am in the same boat, depressed and suicidal. It is harder to control now, because the world around the Western US is mad, people literally pulling away from each other like from a plague. Professionals are good to talk to, but they irritate me with telling things I know myself I have to do, but their telling me sounds demeaning, as if I am a kid, not a grown man. This is something to expect if you try. But I see nothing wrong with your thoughts or feelings, because I got them too, and I am afraid to act them out, too. This is normal to be afraid, as well as to have them. We are humans with a good brain that needs a justification to continue on living, unlike the animals, who just live and don't think. You helped me a lot by expressing what you feel here. I wish I could have been of the same help.

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