noises stress me out

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noises stress me out

Postby catnut » Wed Jun 14, 2017 7:52 pm

I'm 45 and live in a complex surrounded by small children/families, there are some seniors and teenagers but in my area of the complex it seems all the small children hang out and can get quite loud. For the most part, it is a quiet complex but now it's spring/almost summer, more are coming out later in the day and evenings. Parents let these children under 7 do whatever they feel, including playing right in front of my unit and screaming or being soo loud that nothing blocks it out and sometimes they are not being supervised at all even though they are supposed to as written in the bylaws. I will need the window open soon once it gets warmer but even windows don't block out all the noise. It gets to the point i'm close to a panic attack when it gets very bad. I can't move as I live with family members and i'm on disability, we've looked into moving but townhomes are very expensive in my area so that is out.:( I feel trapped and really don't know how i'm going to cope this summer, I did make it through past summers but it was miserable for me and I couldn't enjoy my time. I love fall/winter when it gets dark early and wet where I am so kids are inside at night so it is more enjoyable. I don't like my dinners noisy-I need calm and when they are outside and screaming at times, my dinners are ruined. I'd say something to them but this one neighbour who has the worst children is a real witch and is very dominant/hard to talk to, she'd just tell me "My kids are just playing, deal with it". I have the right to peace and enjoyment in my bought home and I do not get this during the summer. I'm waiting to hear back from my doctor about counselling but I know there isn't much in my area for those needing counselling covered by the government and I can't afford private counselling. Thank you for any feedback.

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