How to make the climb out of bed when you're battling the demon of depression

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How to make the climb out of bed when you're battling the demon of depression

Postby SarahSunshine » Thu Sep 15, 2016 6:44 pm

How to make the climb out of bed when you're battling the demon of depression

At some point in our lives we all experience highs and lows, be it as a child, or an adult. Feeling 'low' is something we can all relate to. Hitting rock bottom never seemed so hard to escape. But some how, we find a way to keep on going. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel, no matter how bad your life may seem, there is ALWAYS a way out.

I myself have suffered from depression since I was a teenager of seventeen. That's when I really started to notice I had little interest in doing anything. Socialising was exhausting, and staying in bed doing absolutely nothing always seemed like the better option. Life was passing me by. My A levels were slipping, my relationships were suffering with friends, lovers and family, and I lost passion and interest in doing the things I loved. Sound familiar?

Until one day I laid in bed and said I don't want to be depressed anymore. That was the first step to climbing out of my dark hole that was depression.

Now, I know it's not as easy as clicking your fingers, or springing out of bed and saying 'I don't want to be depressed anymore', however it is always good to recognise your own emotions. After all, you know yourself better than anyone! Accepting the possibility that you could be depressed is a good starting point.

Step one:
I'm guessing you're on your mobile or laptop while reading this? Are you familiar with your 'Notes' in your phone? Or perhaps word on your computer. Now is the time to start writing.

There are many things in life to be grateful for, although at this moment in time it may not seem that way, but here's a start. Write a list of five things you are grateful for right now in your notes.

Got nothing? How about the fact you have a phone in your hand, with access to Internet. Or that you are probably laying in your nice comfy bed, with a roof over your head. Or perhaps that you don't go to sleep hungry because you can afford to eat each day? There are just a few examples.

Start your day each morning with writing down five things you are grateful for. Showing gratitude in life has no costs, and creates more gratitude, and positive energy.

Today I am grateful for:

Having a healthy body, I can walk, I am fit, and my body works the way it should do.
I am grateful for my eye sight, and all the beautiful things I am able to see with my eyes. Some people aren't fortunate enough to have the gift of vision.
I am grateful for my family. My family are always there when I need them, and although we argue, we all still love each other unconditionally.
I am grateful for my pets. My pets bring love and affection into my life when I am happy and sad.
I am grateful for my clothes. I am lucky enough to be able to afford clothes to wear every day. Some people in the world don't even have that luxury which we don't think twice about.

Feeling better? That's just the start. Give this a go every morning and see how you feel when you wake up. Starting the day feeling good about yourself and your surroundings is the key to a positive day!

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Re: How to make the climb out of bed when you're battling the demon of depression

Postby defeated » Mon Sep 19, 2016 8:39 pm

Great post Sarah, thank you for sharing.

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Re: How to make the climb out of bed when you're battling the demon of depression

Postby du4mmb » Fri Oct 14, 2016 6:03 pm

I certainly agree with your suggestions. It certainly goes a long way to help get started while making you feel good,​ too! ​Having said that, some time ago, I wrote down some goals for myself to accomplish. One included going back to college to finish my degree. I was thinking this was it, this would be the key to end the depression I felt. Unfortunately, accomplishing those goals wasn't the answer. After time, there I was again, staring down a dark, dark tunnel, unable to move. It was only when I "cried out" for help, did true help come. It was, for me, the beginning of the end. I realized that I wasn't alone. As much as I depended on "self" to fix "me," I was going to fail. I've learned that it's okay not to have all the answers; and it's okay not to be able to build up confidence on my own. It's okay to ask for help and depend on that help. It was the answer to what was holding me down. It is a freeing of self that has allowed happiness and continues to bring me joy along the way. Every day isn't perfect, but that's okay too. I know where to go for help!
Thanks for sharing your story!

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