What am I doing Wrong?

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What am I doing Wrong?

Postby ImJohn » Wed Mar 07, 2018 11:30 am

I'm having trouble sending private messages. I type the message and press `submit` but then the message languishes in my `outbox`. This happened before and all of a sudden my messages were sent. But it`s been days and days now and I`ve no idea how to send them. Last time I retyped the message so the recipient needed up with the same message twice. Should I press review before submit or save a draft first? Has anyone any ideas how all this works? I'd like to know so that I can understand it a bit. I hate `black boxes`. Sorry I don't mean to moan but this is beginning to get me down.

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Re: What am I doing Wrong?

Postby AnneW » Sat Mar 10, 2018 10:30 pm

Dear John,
I do not know what is wrong but I am having the same trouble. I looked in the FAQ queue and read there are 3 reasons one cannot send PMs. Either the administrator haas disabled PMs for the topic or forum (something to that effect,) or our ability to send PMs has been disabled. I'm fairly certain you have probably already read the FAQ section.

I have 4 messages in my outbox that I cannot seem to send.
I have tried to send them as replies and also as new messages. Still, they languish, as you so aptly put it, in my outbox.
Hopefully the mystery will be revealed.

May your day be filled with Daffodils and Chopin!

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Re: What am I doing Wrong?

Postby ImJohn » Fri Mar 16, 2018 12:57 pm

Hello Anne,

I have a fairly lengthy massage that's been stuck in my outbox for days now. I don't think my PM's have been disabled and my mail count is nowhere near the limit of 50 messages. It has been suggested that messages may remain in the outbox until they are read? And that they won't be available to read if the recipient has reached their 50 message limit?

It's all very frustrating and I just wish there was a way of finding out definitively how the PM messages work.

I did think that it could be because I'm a foreigner, being from the UK, and that maybe some time zone difference was to blame. My theory being that if my message is time stamped with UK time then the US system reads that it'll think, 'Hang on a minute this message is from the future - which is impossible - so there's something wrong.' and doesn't process the message.

Anyway, thank you for your good wishes! The daffodils are now in bloom so, even if all isn't quite right with the world (or the PM system) at least it's brighter. :D

I wish you warm sunshine, blue skies and generally brighter times.

John. :D

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Re: What am I doing Wrong?

Postby Stephen » Sat Jun 30, 2018 12:12 am

Indeed, PMs stay in your 'Outbox' until they're read. When messages move to your 'Sent' folder, you know the recipient has read your message.

If someone's 'Inbox' has 50 or more messages, recipients are directed to delete messages in order to receive new messages.

I hope this helps, and I apologise for the very late reply (I assumed a moderator would answer).

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