Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Therapy Treatment

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Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Therapy Treatment

Postby jessicalaflare » Tue Sep 25, 2018 11:25 am


I have been suffering from depression for the past 2 years and I finally think found something that works for me so I decided to share. A lot of you may already know me from seeing me on other forums but long story short - life hasn't been easy. I ended up in this state (which I am actively working myself out of) because I loved someone who clearly did not love me back. Can you imagine my horror finding out that my high school sweetheart and father of 2 and 1 on the way would cheat on me without the decency of discretion (not justifying cheating but my goodness at least have some tact) - oh I forgot to mention that he had a "jacket" - which in my culture, means that he had a child with the other woman. Needlessness to stay, I am here pushing forward trying to be a better person for me and my children because for a while it just was not possible for me to do both. I have gone to two therapists but I finally have settled on a treatment that I believe works. It's called Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Therapy and should not be confused with "shock" therapy. I have been undergoing this treatment for about 4 weeks with Pelorus and I must say I honestly think I see improvement.

I am more of a holistic kind of gal - and though this isn't quite that - it like this lot better than being doped up on drugs just to not want to get out of bed. With Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), it literally only takes 20 minutes of your time and you're back off to your day like normal - no grog included.

I'm not sure how many of you have tried this treatment but I would love to learn about your experiences and if you think it worked for you? I have about 2 weeks left at Pelorus - so I will update you on my TMS treatment when I'm fully complete. I've been going to if you're wondering.

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