low dose Iboga rootbark cured my depression, ADHD, & anx

Information about depression and other related health issues (includes medications).

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low dose Iboga rootbark cured my depression, ADHD, & anx

Postby moyshekapoyre » Wed Sep 14, 2011 6:44 pm


I have been depressed my whole life--well, since age 13. I have considered suicide, but never attempted it, at least not consciously. I have also always had mild ADHD and anxiety issues. I have tried various herbal remedies, but, due to all of the side-effects, I never ventured into the world of pharmaceuticals, though my psychiatrist suggested I try Valium. Some vitamins and herbal things seemed to help a bit, but I wasn't really sure if I was just imagining it or not. I think that certain people definitely have vitamin or mineral deficiencies, but I am not sure that is my problem.

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Postby Obayan » Fri Sep 16, 2011 11:46 pm

Hi. Medication is a tool. Just like any other tool out there we use to help us achieve our goals. It is every person's right to choose not to use that tool. There are many others out there we can use too. Meditation, therapy, vitamins, etc.... All tools. Because we are all different, so is our depression. And so are our relief methods. :)

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