Looking at Sporting Events...

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Looking at Sporting Events...

Postby crystalgaze » Fri Feb 19, 2010 8:11 pm

Usually, the 1 time you can count on seeing me huddled around the TV is when figure skating or the Olympics is being covered....

I'd check the TV schedules online & convert the times to match my time zone, so I don't miss it....

This year & even previous years, I have not been into it at all.... A few times I watched tennis.... & one time I was even into golf! Or looking at pool tournaments.... :lol:

I haven't been able to sit down in front of the TV for any thing... (I feel it's so boring.... & is mesmerizing in a way I'm not particularly fond of at all. I virtually forget every thing when I'm in front of the TV & get behind on things I'm supposed to be doing.)

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Postby TackingIntoTheWind » Sat Feb 20, 2010 11:19 am

Please don't hate me but......I don't really watch sport at all, with two exceptions I used to watch American football and kabaddi, ( An Indian sport involving the player holding their breath while trying to " tag " the other teams players. Really...I'm not making this up. Promise! ) when they were on Channel 4 early on Sunday evening quite a few years ago.
Pehaps it's a Welsh thing? Watching Wales lose at rugby, watching Wales lose at football, watching British players lose at Wimbledon, I don't need this, I'm depressed already!

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Postby kyla » Fri Jan 07, 2011 6:36 am

I also would only watch olympics on tv when figure skating is being aired. Love to watch it, hmmm...it really amazes me!

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Fri Jan 07, 2011 8:25 am

((((((((((((( All )))))))))))))

I like basketball, at times. Not one for sports but can get caught up in the ones I kind-of understand. Like the ice skating but enjoy the swimming much more.

kabaddi??? Never heard of it, tell me more Tacking...:)

Crystal, have you tried watching perhaps the cooking shows, or the ones that involving decorating your home? I know how busy you stay with thing about your home. Those I will watch if I watch t.v.

kyla I enjoyed the olympics while it was on t.v. Habit forming almost.


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Postby crystalgaze » Sat Jan 08, 2011 6:15 am

You know Warmie.... Cooking shows + decorating shows might be a good idea. I'll try to turn on the TV!! :lol:

(((((((((( Warmie ))))))))))))

((((((((((( kyla ))))))))))))))))

(((((((((( Tacking ))))))))))))))

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Postby TackingIntoTheWind » Sat Jan 08, 2011 10:21 am

Well, (((( Warmie )))), it so happens that my little knowledge of kabaddi is derived indirectly from American football...( Celtic minds operate in mysterious ways...! :? :wink: )
Twenty years or so ago, Channel 4 started to show American football on Sunday evenings, which I used to watch. This was quite successful for Channel 4. ( Perhaps, because it was:
( A ) Sport
( B ) Something slightly " exotic ", at least in terms of British Sunday night TV... :wink:
( C ) It was something that tapped into a definite British interest in U.S culture, politics, etc...)
Anyway, for one year, ( About 18 years ago? ), Channel 4 didn't show any American football. I don't know for why, perhaps there was some sort of rights issue, or perhaps they just wanted to try something else?
So for that year they showed coverage of kabaddi games.
The core idea of the game is to score points by " raiding " into the opponents half of the court. And then, touching as many of the opponents players as possible on a single breath, without getting caught. The players on the defensive side are called " Antis " While the player on the offensive is called the " Raider. "
The " Raider " must start to chant " kabaddi, kabaddi,kabaddi " continuously as soon as they cross the mid line into the other side of the court. ( To demonstrate that they are, in fact, holding their breath. )
The " Antis " touched by the " raider " are declared " out " if they do not succeed in catching the " raider " before the " raider " can return to their own side of the court.
A successful raid can only be achieved by the " raider " touching a defender ( " Anti "), and returning to his/her own side of the court, within the space of one intake of breath, whilst chanting " kabaddi,kabaddi,kabaddi " continuously. A successful " raid " scores one point.
If a defender catches the " raider " successfuly, before the " raider "crosses the mid line, the defending team will be awarded one point for a successful defence, and the unsuccessful " raider " is declared " out ".
( Obviously, there's more to it than that. But, I have only a spectator's knowledge of the game. So, I hope any British/Asian, Indian or Pakistani kabaddi experts will forgive me for any errors! :oops: )
(((( crystalgaze )))), I'm not sure that cooking + decorating shows would be a good idea...I have a rather unsettling mental image of a TV show host at the top of a stepladder, trying to put up wallpaper and make lasagne at the same time! :shock: Then again, I don't really know much about cooking and decorating... :? :wink: )

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Sat Jan 08, 2011 1:44 pm

((((((((((((((( TackingIntoTheWind )))))))))))))))))))))

I know I would never make it. I got short on air just reading. LOL.

Thank you for taking the time to explain it all.

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